Solved Sample Paper 5


Solved Sample Paper 5

Section A [1 Mark Each]

Question 1

What are the types of laws formulated under piracy?

  1. Copyright
  2. Patent
  3. Trademark
  4. All of these


All of these

Reason — The types of laws formulated under piracy are copyright, patent and trademark.

Question 2

Which of the following translates domain names into IP addresses?

  1. URL
  2. Web address
  3. Domain abbreviation
  4. Domain name system


Domain name system

Reason — Domain name system is a character-based addressing system. It translates domain names into IP addresses.

Question 3

An IP address is a string of ............... numbers separated by periods.

  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 2
  4. 5



Reason — An IP address is a string of 4 numbers separated by periods.

Question 4

Which service is used by users to send text messages to each other?

  1. MMS
  2. SMS
  3. Modem
  4. Video chat



Reason — SMS (Short Message Service) is used by users to send text messages to each other.

Question 5

............... allows a single selection at a time.

  1. Reset
  2. Radio button
  3. Submit
  4. None of these


Radio button

Reason — Radio button allows a single selection at a time.

Question 6

How do you embed audio in an HTML page?

  1. <audio src = "audio.mp3">
  2. <sound src = "audio.mp3">
  3. <embed src = "audio.mp3">
  4. <mp3 src = "audio.mp3">


<audio src = "audio.mp3">

Reason — We can embed audio in an HTML page by using <audio> tag in the following way:

<audio src = "audio.mp3>

Question 7

To insert a table on a web page, we use ............... tag.

  1. <TD>
  2. <TH>
  3. <TABLE>
  4. <BODY>



Reason — To insert a table on a web page, we use <TABLE> tag.

Question 8

By default, color of a table is ............... .

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue
  4. White



Reason — By default, color of a table is white.

Question 9

Which extension is used to save the CSS file?

  1. .html
  2. .css
  3. .text
  4. .sheet



Reason — A CSS file is saved with the extension .css.

Question 10

Tags and text that do not display directly on the web page are placed in ............... .

  1. BODY
  2. TABLE
  3. HEAD
  4. TITLE



Reason — Tags and text that do not display directly on the web page are placed in <HEAD> tag.

Question 11

Assertion (A) A search engine is a Website that lets you search the Internet for Websites on specific topics.

Reason (R) Search engines turn the Web into a powerful tool for finding information on any topic.

  1. Both A and R are true and R is a correct explanation of A.
  2. Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A.
  3. A is true and R is false.
  4. A is false and R is true.


Both A and R are true and R is a correct explanation of A.

Reason — A is true as a search engine is a Website that lets us search the Internet for Websites on specific topics. R is true as search engines turn the Web into a powerful tool for finding information on any topic. R is the correct explanation of A.

Question 12

Assertion (A) Web users fill out the forms using checkboxes, radio button or text fields.

Reason (R) A web form is a list that is used to store data.

  1. Both A and R are true and R is a correct explanation of A.
  2. Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A.
  3. A is true and R is false.
  4. A is false and R is true.


A is true and R is false.

Reason — A is true as web users fill out the forms using checkboxes, radio button or text fields. R is false as a web form is a means to collect information/data from the site visitor. It is done with the help of controls that collect the information and send it over.

Section B [2 Marks Each]

Question 13

Indian railway has a website dedicated to the E-reservation. Its URL is

(i) What does 'in' symbolize here?

(ii) Mention any two benefits of E-reservation.


(i) The 'in' symbolizes India. It means that is an Indian website.

(ii) Two benefits of E-reservation are:

  1. Ease — E-tickets can be purchased through E-reservation online and printed at home. Theft or loss of the printed e-ticket is not a worry — it can easily be retrieved and reprinted.
  2. Fast — E-reservation cut on manual time, the need for middle man and offer the best price and best route availability as all these are made available by the website offering the E-reservation system.

Question 14(i)

Give the disadvantages of E-shopping.


The disadvantages of E-shopping are:

  1. E-shopping lacks the personal touch and the ability to physically experience products such as clothing and cosmetics.
  2. There is a huge risk of online fraud. Some sites pretend to be selling products at a meagre price, and the customers often receive a low quality or refurbished item for that price.
  3. Online security is a concern, as some websites may not encrypt credit card data, potentially exposing our confidential data to hackers.
  4. At times, online sites can unexpectedly close after payment, leaving customers without the items they've purchased.

Question 14(ii)

What is a web portal? Write any one advantage of a web portal.


A web portal is a gateway to a wide range of Internet services. It is a launch pad to a host of web services such as e-mail, shopping, gaming, news, weather etc.

An advantage of web portal is that it provides multiple web based services on the same web site.

Question 15

Sumit has to create following list through HTML as a part of his social science project. Help him in writing HTML code for the same.

Countries and their Capitals

  1. INDIA
    • New Delhi
    • Islamabad
    • Bangkok


            Countries and their Capitals
    <B>Countries and their Capitals</B>
    <OL TYPE = "1">
        <UL TYPE = "DISC">
            <LI>New Delhi</LI>
        <UL TYPE = "DISC">
        <UL TYPE = "DISC">

Question 16(i)

Explain the violation of intellectual property rights.


The violation of Intellectual Property Rights include the following:

  1. Copyright infringement — It refers to the unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or sale of copyrighted material, such as movies, music, software, or counterfeit goods.
  2. Patent infringement — It occurs when someone uses, makes, sells, or offers to sell a patented invention without the permission of the patent holder.

Question 16(ii)

What do you mean by privacy in E-Commerce?


During e-commerce transactions, we share a lot of personal and financial information with the e-commerce sites. Privacy in E-Commerce means that the e-commerce sites should clearly state their privacy policy declaring how it uses and shares the gathered customer data or whether the customer can choose to keep this information private.

Question 17

Write the use of <IMG> tag in HTML and mention the types of images that can be inserted in a HTML document.


The <IMG> tag is used to add an image in the HTML document. Its syntax is as follows:

<IMG src = "path of image">

HTML can be used to insert images in the following formats:

  1. GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)
  2. XBM (X Bitmap)
  3. JPG or JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
  4. PNG (Portable Network Graphics)

Question 18(i)

Write two benefits of cascading style sheets.


Two benefits of cascading style sheets are:

  1. Updating the design of website and its general maintenance are made much easier and errors caused by editing multiple HTML pages occur far less often.
  2. Developers have to type less code and the webpages are shorter and neater.

Question 18(ii)

Distinguish between <BASEFONT> and <FONT> tags.


<BASEFONT> tag<FONT> tag
The <BASEFONT> tag sets a base font size for the entire document.The <FONT> tag applies font and text styling to a specific section of text enclosed within its opening and closing tags.
The closing tag </BASEFONT> is optional.The closing tag </FONT> is must for the changes in appearance to take effect.

Question 19

What is E-learning?


Electronic Learning refers to a wide range of applications and processes, designed to provide guidance and/or deliver information to students, faculties, or employees of the companies through electronic means. It provides flexibility to its users.

Section C [3 Marks Each]

Question 20

What do you mean by trademark? What is the use of proprietary software license?


A trademark is a distinctive sign, symbol, logo, name, word, or phrase used to identify and distinguish the goods or services of one seller or provider from those of others.

A proprietary software license grants limited usage rights, protecting the intellectual property of the developer. It enables monetization through selling licenses, defining terms, and maintaining control over source code access and distribution.

Question 21

Write an HTML code to display the following list

List of Indian States with their capital

  1. Delhi
    • New Delhi
  2. Haryana
    • Chandigarh
  3. Gujarat
    • Gandhinagar
  4. Rajasthan
    • Jaipur
  5. Maharastra
    • Mumbai
  6. Uttar pradesh
    • Lucknow


            List of Indian States with their capital
    List of Indian States with their capital
    <OL TYPE = "1">
            <UL TYPE = "CIRCLE">
                <LI>New Delhi</LI>
            <UL TYPE = "CIRCLE">
            <UL TYPE = "CIRCLE">
            <UL TYPE = "CIRCLE">
            <UL TYPE = "CIRCLE">
        <LI>Uttar pradesh</LI>
            <UL TYPE = "CIRCLE">

Question 22(i)

What are the role of <HTML> ..... </HTML> tags in HTML?


<HTML> tag identifies the document as an HTML document. An HTML document begins with <HTML> and ends with </HTML>. It does not have any effect on the appearance of the document. It makes the browsers and other programs know that this is an HTML document.

Question 22(ii)

Distinguish between <P> tag and <BR> tag.


<P> tag<BR> tag
The paragraph tag helps to identify and separate paragraphs in an HTML document.The line break tag avoids blank spaces between the lines.
It is a container tag.It is an empty tag.
For example,
<P> This is paragraph 1. <P><P> This is paragraph 2.<P>


This is paragraph 1.

This is paragraph 2.

For example,
This is line 1. <BR> This is line 2.

This is line 1.
This is line 2.

Question 23

Ayushi has to prepare a demo table in which she has to mention question number and its marking. Help her to write the code for the below table.

Ayushi has to prepare a demo table in which she has to mention question number and its marking. Help her to write the code for the table. Computer Applications Code 165 Sample Paper Solved CBSE Class 10.


    <TH> question </TH>
    <TH> marks</TH>
    <TD ROWSPAN = "3"> 1 </TD>
    <TD> 2 </TD>
    <TD> 2 </TD>
    <TD> 5 </TD>

Section D [4 Marks Each]

Question 24(i)

Write the HTML code to design the web page as shown below, considering the specifications that follow. You can write the code for given specifications.

Write the HTML code to design the web page as shown, considering the specifications that follow. You can write the code for given specifications. Computer Applications Code 165 Sample Paper Solved CBSE Class 10.

(i) Title of the page is "IIT".

(ii) Font face of heading is "Cambria".

(iii) The color of the heading of the page is "Red".

(iv) Image used as "IIT.png".

Use link as:
For IIT Bombay as bombay.html
For IIT Kanpur as kanpur.html
For IIT Madras as madras.html
For IIT Delhi as delhi.html
For IIT Roorkee as roorkee.html


        <TITLE>Indian Institute of Technology</TITLE>
        <FONT face = "Cambria" color = "Red">
        <H1>Indian Institute of Technology</H1>
        <IMG src = "IIT.png" alt = "IIT" align = "right">
        The Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) are autonomous public institutes of higher education, located in India. They are governed by the Institutes ofTechnology Act 1961 which has declared them as Institutes of national importance alongside National Institutes of Technology and lays down their powers, duties and framework for governance etc. The Institutes of Technology Act, 1961 lists twenty-three institutes.
        <FONT face = "Cambria">
        <H2>5 Popular IIT Colleges<H2>
        <TABLE align = "Center" border = "2">
                <TH align = "Center">Name</TH>
                <TH align = "Center">State</TH>
                <TH align = "Center">Established</TH>
                <TD><A href = "bombay.html">IIT Bombay</A></TD>
                <TD><A href = "kanpur.html">IIT Kanpur</A></TD>
                <TD>Uttar Pradesh</TD>
                <TD><A href = "madras.html">IIT Madras</A></TD>
                <TD>Tamil Nadu</TD>
                <TD><A href = "delhi.html ">IIT Delhi </A></TD>
                <TD>Delhi </TD>
                <TD><A href = "roorkee.html">IIT Roorkee</A></TD>

Question 24(ii)

Write the HTML code to design the web page as shown below, considering the specifications that follow. You can write the code for given specifications.

Write the HTML code to design the web page as shown, considering the specifications that follow. You can write the code for given specifications. Computer Applications Code 165 Sample Paper Solved CBSE Class 10.

(i) Background color of page is yellow.

(ii) Link color is black and visited link color is green.

(iii) Heading of the page is maroon.

(iv) Image used is mainrhino.jpg.

(v) Table border is 2px.


    <BODY bgcolor = "yellow" link = "Black" vlink = "Green">
        <FONT color = "Maroon">
        <IMG src = "mainrhino.jpg" alt = "rhino" align = "right">
        The Indian Rhinoceros lives primarily in northern India and Nepal. These massive beasts have some noticeable physical differences from their African relatives. Their segmented body looks like a formidable coat of natural body armour. It functions like one also. Flexible skin between the thicker hide "plates" allows them to shift as the rhinoceros moves. 
        Other Endangered Animals:<BR>
        <UL type = "disc">
            <LI><A HREF = "WHOOPING_CRANE.HTML"><U>Whooping Crane</U></A></LI>
            <LI><A HREF = "WHITE_RHINO.HTML"><U>White Rhino</U></A></LI>
            <LI><A HREF = "SUMATRAN_RHINO.HTML"><U>Sumatran Rhino</U></A></LI>
            <LI><A HREF = "TOUCAN.HTML"><U>Toucan</U></A></LI>
        <CENTER>Fast Facts</CENTER>
        <TABLE border = "2" align = "center">
                <TD>Average life span in the wild</TD>
                <TD>40 years</TD>
                <TD>Length 12.5 ft, Height upto 6 ft</TD>
                <TD>4, 400 lbs(2,000 kg)</TD>
        <A href = "details.html">For more details</A>

Section E [4 Marks Each]

Question 25

Case Study 1

Raman is a Computer Teacher in a private school. He has 4 computers in a computer lab where his colleague used to work. All the computers are stand alone and not connected with the Internet. He called a Network engineer to form a network of 4 computers. Answer the following questions in reference to the given situation.

(i) What type of Network will be formed?

(ii) Which application/software is required in all computers to browse Internet? Give two examples.

(iii) Write any two advantages of Computer Network.

(iv) Name any two ISP.


(i) Local Area Network (LAN) will be formed.

(ii) An application software called web browser is required in all computers to browse Internet.

Two examples of web browsers are Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

(iii) Two advantages of Computer Network are:

  1. Hardware devices like printer and scanner can be shared.
  2. Data redundancy can be reduced.

(iv) Two internet service providers are Airtel and BSNL.

Question 26

Case Study 2

The open source software movement is a movement that supports the use of open source licenses for some softwares. It was started to spread the concept of open source software. It began in the late 80's with the launching of the GNU project by Richard Stallman. He shared a key role in the conceptualisation of freely shared source code.

Answer the following questions.

(i) Define the term open source.

(ii) What are the criteria to be followed for open source software?

(iii) How do programmers contribute to open source community?

(iv) Name any two open source softwares.


(i) Open source is a philosophy that promotes the free access and distribution of an end product, usually software or a program.

(ii) Four criteria that qualify a program to be Open source software are:

  1. Free redistribution is allowed.
  2. Source code is freely available.
  3. It can be copied and modified freely.
  4. There should be no discrimination against persons or groups in the license.

(iii) Programmers contribute to open source community by writing and exchanging programming code for software development.

(iv) Two open source softwares are Linux and Unix.