Solved Sample Paper 4


Solved Sample Paper 4

Section A [1 Mark Each]

Question 1

What is the name for a software whose source code can be modified by anyone?

  1. Closed source software
  2. Secret source software
  3. Open source software
  4. General source software


Open source software

Reason — Open source software is the software, whose source code is freely available and which can be copied, modified and redistributed as well.

Question 2

What is modem?

  1. A technology that allows devices to interface with Internet.
  2. A small box that connects your devices to the Internet using cables.
  3. A wireless technology that allows the exchange of data between different devices.
  4. None of the above


A small box that connects your devices to the Internet using cables.

Reason — A modem is a small box that connects our devices to the Internet using cables. It converts data from a digital format into a format suitable for an analog transmission medium such as telephone or radio and vice versa.

Question 3

Which of the following uses telephone line to connect to the Internet?

  1. Dial-up
  2. Bluetooth
  3. Wi-Fi
  4. WiMax



Reason — A dial up uses telephone line to connect to the Internet.

Question 4

Which of the following protocol is used for delivering data from the source to the destination?

  1. TCP/IP
  2. POP
  3. SMTP



Reason — TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) is used for delivering data from the source to the destination. TCP manages the breaking down and assembling of the data, whereas IP is responsible for the accurate delivery of the data over the Internet.

Question 5

Which protocol provides E-mail facility among different hosts?

  1. SMTP
  2. FTP
  4. SNMT



Reason — SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is the standard protocol for sending emails across the Internet. SMTP is an application layer protocol which is used by mail servers to send, receive, and relay emails between senders and receivers.

Question 6

Which tag is used to create a password field in HTML?

  1. <password>
  2. <input type = "password">
  3. <textfield>
  4. <input type = "text">


<input type = "password">

Reason — The password boxes are created using an <INPUT> element whose TYPE attribute has a value of "password". An example is as follows:


Question 7

............... property of CSS sets the style of an element border.

  1. instyle
  2. border style
  3. row style
  4. external link


border style

Reason — border style property of CSS sets the style of an element border.

Question 8

The correct HTML code for inserting an image is

  1. <IMG href="image.gif">
  2. <IMG> image.gif</gif>
  3. <IMG src = "image.gif ">
  4. <IMAGE src = "image.gir">


<IMG src = "image.gif ">

Reason — The <IMG> tag is used to insert an image in a web page. The src attribute helps in defining the source of an image. It is defined as follows:

<IMG src = "image.gif ">

Question 9

alt attribute allows

  1. addition of an alternate hyperlink
  2. addition of a border to image
  3. use of an alternate image in place of the specified image
  4. addition of alternate text about an image


addition of alternate text about an image

Reason — The alt attribute allows addition of alternate text about an image, that the browser can display if the image cannot be displayed.

Question 10

With the help of which tag of HTML, you can display (a2 + b2) in the web page?

  1. <P>
  2. <SUP>
  3. <SUB>
  4. <FONT>



Reason — The <SUP> tag is used to create superscripts on an HTML page. The given formula can be displayed by the following HTML code:

(a<sup>2</sup> + b<sup>2</sup>)

Question 11

Assertion (A) SMTP is the standard protocol for E-mail services on a TCP/IP network.

Reason (R) SMTP is a network-layer protocol.

  1. Both A and R are true and R is a correct explanation of A.
  2. Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A.
  3. A is true and R is false.
  4. A is false and R is true.


A is true and R is false.

Reason — A is true as SMTP is the standard protocol for E-mail services on a TCP/IP network. It is used by mail servers to send, receive, and relay emails between senders and receivers.

R is false as SMTP is an application layer protocol and not a network layer protocol.

Question 12

Assertion (A) You can place HTML links to any website you like to your web page.

Reason (R) External linking in HTML allows you to place links of other websites on your page.

  1. Both A and R are true and R is a correct explanation of A.
  2. Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A.
  3. A is true and R is false.
  4. A is false and R is true.


Both A and R are true and R is a correct explanation of A.

Reason — A is true as we can place HTML links to any website we like to our web page. R is true as external linking in HTML allows us to place links of other websites on our page. R is the correct explanation of A as we use external linking to add links of other websites to our web page.

Section B [2 Marks Each]

Question 13

Explain the following terms

(i) Dial-up connection

(ii) E-Governance


(i) Dial-up connection — A dial-up connection is a way to access the internet using a standard phone line and a modem. It works by dialing a specific phone number provided by an Internet service provider (ISP) and establishing a connection through a modem.

(ii) E-Governance — e-Governance refers to the application of electronic means in governance with an aim of fulfilling the requirements of common man at affordable costs and in fastest possible time.

Question 14(i)

Explain the wireless fidelity.


Wi-Fi or Wireless Fidelity uses radio waves to create a secure, reliable and fast Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN). The devices require a wireless adapter to connect to the WLAN using WiFi. It is widely used to share an internet connection among the devices connected to the WLAN.

Question 14(ii)

What is a web page?


A web page is a digital document that is linked to the World Wide Web and viewable by anyone connected to the internet having a web browser. It can contain any type of information such as text, colour, graphics, animation, video and sound etc.

Question 15

What are the dangers associated with social networking?


The dangers associated with social networking are :

  1. People with wrong intentions can misuse the personal information posted by users.
  2. Social networking can be used for bullying, defamation, harmful commenting and pranks and persecute hapless, innocent victims.

Question 16(i)

List the guidelines to avoid plagiarism.


The guidelines to avoid plagiarism are:

  1. One must specify the source, which informs the reader about the basis of one's ideas and the extent of one's research.
  2. To avoid plagiarism, one should refer to several sources, understand the concept, and then pen down one's understanding of the topic.
  3. One should use quotation marks around all the quoted words to avoid plagiarism.

Question 16(ii)

What is netiquette?


The term Netiquette refers to a set of rules for acceptable online behaviour. It is a combination of two words Network and Etiquette. When one follows netiquettes while working online, one can safely use the internet and make internet safe for the other users as well.

Question 17

Which tag(s) do we use to change the size and style (face) of the text of an HTML file viewed on a web browser? Also, explain any two attributes used with this tag.


To change the size and style (face) of text in an HTML file, we can use the <FONT> tag. The two attributes used with <FONT> tag are:

  1. size — This attribute sets the size of the font of text.
  2. face — This attribute sets the font type of the text.

The font tag is used as follows:

<FONT FACE = "ARIAL" SIZE = "3"> Hello World </FONT>

Question 18(i)

Write the advantages of external style sheet.


The advantages of external style sheet are:

  1. It can be used across multiple HTML pages by linking the CSS file using <LINK> tag.
  2. It results in smaller HTML files since styles are in a separate file.
  3. It is easier to maintain and update styles across multiple pages.

Question 18(ii)

What is header cell? Name the <TABLE> tag which is used as header cell.


The contents declared in header cells of a table are displayed in a distinctive style, such as bold faced. The content is emphasized as a heading as compared with the contents of other cells.

The header cell is specified by using the <TH> tag inside the <TABLE> tag.

For example,

<TH>S. No.</TH>

The output is as follows:

S. No.Name

Question 19

Explain any two controls supported by HTML form.


Two controls supported by HTML form are:

1. Checkbox — The check box is used to select a number of options in a given list of options on the form. Its syntax is as follows:


2. Text box — A text box allows a user to enter alphanumeric data that is a combination of characters and numbers. Its syntax is as follows:


Section C [3 Marks Each]

Question 20

Explain the three laws that are formulated to stop software piracy.


The three laws that are formulated to stop software piracy are:

  1. Copyright — Copyright prohibits the user of a software program from making copies of it without the permission of the person/company concerned which issues the license for the program.
  2. Patent — A patent is the right given by the government to an inventor to protect his/her invention from being used/copied for a fixed period of time.
  3. Trademark — This law protects the identity of a product, work, or company. It can be a registered word, text, or logo.

Question 21

Observe the following list and write the code to display it.

  • Fruits
    • Apple
    • Banana
    • Mango
    • Orange
  • Vegetables
    • Spinach
    • Cauliflower
    • Beetroot
  • Cereals
  • Nuts


        <UL TYPE = "DISC">
            <UL TYPE = "CIRCLE">
            <UL TYPE = "CIRCLE">

Question 22(i)

Explain the various attributes of <INPUT> tag.


The various attributes of <INPUT> tag are:

  1. Type — The 'type' attribute determines the type of form control that will be added to the form area.
  2. Name — The name attribute specifies the name of the <INPUT> tag.
  3. Value — The Value attribute specifies the initial value for the field.
  4. Size — The size attribute specifies the width of the input field .
  5. Maxlength — The Maxlength attribute specifies the maximum number of characters for the input field.

Question 22(ii)

(a) Write the HTML code to display an inline image named pencil.jpg located at C:\ in the center of your Web page.

(b) Write the HTML command to display the A2 + B2 in your Web page.

(c) Write HTML code to insert an image named globe.jpg in the background of a Web page.


    <IMG SRC = "C:\pencil.jpg" ALT = "PENCIL">
    A<SUP>2</SUP> + B<SUP>2</SUP>

Question 23

Ram has to prepare a table as given below. He is a new technical team intern. Help him to write the code of below table.

Ram has to prepare a table as given. He is a new technical team intern. Help him to write the code of below table. Computer Applications Code 165 Sample Paper Solved CBSE Class 10.


        <TABLE border = "3" cellspacing = "3">
        <TH align = "center"> ADMNO </TH>
        <TH align = "center"> SNAME </TH>
        <TH align = "center"> NAME </TH>
        <TH align = "center"> DOB </TH>
        <TD> 1110 </TD>
        <TD> MANJIT </TD>
        <TD> RANJIT </TD>
        <TD> 4-MAR-1998 </TD>

Section D [4 Marks Each]

Question 24(i)

Write the HTML code to design the web page as shown below, considering the specifications that follow. You can write the code for given specifications.

Write the HTML code to design the web page as shown, considering the specifications that follow. You can write the code for given specifications. Computer Applications Code 165 Sample Paper Solved CBSE Class 10.

(i) Link color is "blue".

(ii) Font face of heading is "lucida handwriting".

(iii) The color of the heading of the page is "green".

(iv) The images used are "par.jpg" and "prog.jpg".

(v) Use link as "programming.html" for Programming.


    <BODY link = "Blue">
        <IMG src = "Par.jpg" width = "170" height = "160" align = "left">
        <FONT face = "Lucida Handwriting" color = "Green"> <H1>Paradise Wheels Co.</H1>
        <H3 align = "center">Because You're Worth It</H3>
        <P align = "right">
        Home&nbsp;&nbsp;About Us&nbsp;&nbsp;Services&nbsp;&nbsp;Products&nbsp;&nbsp;Contact Us
        <P align = "right"><FONT face = "Lucida Handwriting">
        Our Services
        <IMG src = "prog.jpg" width = "170" height = "160" align = "right">
        <A href = "programming.html">Programming</A>
        <B>Features of This Company</B>
            <LI>Good businesses need good plans.</LI>
            <LI>To be successful, a company must be motivated by something beyond financial success.</LI>
            <LI>To make their businesses successful, business owners need good attitudes.</LI>
            <LI>To be successful, businesses need to commit resources and time to training their employees,<br>as well any independent contractors with whom they work.</LI>
            <LI>Creating, enhancing and celebrating teamwork is at the heart of every successful company culture.</LI>
            <LI>Effective communication patterns within successful organizations have three main characteristics: clarity, courtesy and proactivity.</LI>

Question 24(ii)

Write the HTML code to design the web page as shown below, considering the specifications that follow. You can write the code for given specifications.

Write the HTML code to design the web page as shown, considering the specifications that follow. You can write the code for given specifications. Computer Applications Code 165 Sample Paper Solved CBSE Class 10.

(i) Title of the page is "Save Tiger".

(ii) Image used is tiger. jpg.

(iii) Text color is "green".

(iv) Table border is 3 px and align center.

(v) The color of the heading of the page is orange.


        <TITLE>Save Tiger</TITLE>
        <FONT color = "Orange">
        <H1 align = "CENTER"> Save Tiger </H1> 
        <IMG src = "tiger.jpg" width = "80" height = "80" align = "right">
        <FONT color = "green">
        Collect information for<BR>
            <LI>Addressing issues</LI>
            <LI>State wise agenda</LI>
            <LI>What can I do</LI>
            <LI>Join the rear</LI>
        <TABLE border = "3" align = "center">
            <TD>Speak Up</TD>
            <TD>Lead the Change</TD>
            <TD>Be informed</TD>
        For further enquiries <A href = "Contact.html">Contact Us</A>

Section E [4 Marks Each]

Question 25

Case Study 1

Raman had applied for job in a company via email last week. Today he received a mail from HR department of the company regarding his interview date. His interview will be conducted online (due to Covid-19) using video conferencing and instant messaging software. Answer the following questions in reference to the given situation.

(i) What is video conferencing?

(ii) Name any two hardware which is required for video conferencing.

(iii) Write any two features of instant messaging software.

(iv) Name two types of instant messaging software.


(i) A two-way videophone conversation among multiple participants by using computer networks to transmit audio and video data, is called Video Conferencing.

(ii) Two hardware devices which are required for video conferencing are:

  1. Multimedia PCs
  2. Video Cameras

(iii) Two features of instant messaging software are:

  1. Text messages can be sent individually or using broadcast or in the groups.
  2. Video calling and conferencing facilities are available.

(iv) Two types of instant messaging software are:

  1. Application based
  2. Web based

Question 26

Case Study 2

Rajiv recently learned about IPR. He owns a business which makes custom-made gifting items. His work, ideas can be easily copied. He also has a few partners in his business who are not very loyal. So, he has decided to put his knowledge of IPR into action and protect his business.

Answer the following questions.

(i) What rights will Rajiv have through IPR?

(ii) What are the advantages of IPR?

(iii) Write any two violations of IPR.

(iv) Mention any two controls of IPR.


(i) Intellectual property rights are the rights given to persons over the creations of their minds. Rajiv reserves all the rights to the information to decide, how much information is to be exchanged, shared or distributed. He can exercise these rights in the form of patents, copyright or trademark.

(ii) The advantages of IPR are:

  1. It encourages people to develop/innovate products.
  2. It provides legal defense in case the intellectual property rights of a person are violated.

(iii) Two violations of IPR are:

  1. Copyright infringement — Copying copyrighted material, such as a book, music, or movie.
  2. Trademark infringement — Using a third party's trademark, logo, or design without permission.

(iv) Two controls of IPR are:

  1. Copyright
  2. Patent