Solved Sample Paper 3


Solved Sample Paper 3

Section A [1 Mark Each]

Question 1

Which term refers to a citizen's right to access information that is held by the state?

  1. Plagiarism
  2. Right to information
  3. Digital divide
  4. Digital property rights


Right to information

Reason — Right to information refers to a citizen's right to access information that is held by the state.

Question 2

What is POP3?

  1. Post Office Protocol version 3
  2. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol V3
  3. Pop Out Protocol version 3
  4. Remote Login Protocol


Post Office Protocol version 3

Reason — POP3 stands for Post Office Protocol version 3. POP3 helps to retrieve e-mails from a remote web server using a local client.

Question 3

............... method sends the form information in the HTTP environment.

  1. POP
  2. PUSH
  3. POST
  4. INPUT



Reason — POST method sends the form information in the HTTP environment.

Question 4

In WWW, a client is called ............... and a server is called ............... .

  1. client, host
  2. web client, web server
  3. server, host
  4. server, receiver


web client, web server

Reason — In WWW, a client is called web client and a server is called web server.

Question 5

A domain name ending with .org belongs to:

  1. an educational institution
  2. an organisation
  3. a site that is highly organised
  4. a commercial website


an organisation

Reason — A domain name ending with .org belongs to an organisation.

Question 6

Which tag is used to insert an image in HTML?

  1. <IMG>
  2. <SRC>
  3. <IMAGE>
  4. <PICTURE>



Reason — <IMG> tag is used to insert an image in HTML. The syntax is as follows:

<IMG SRC = "IMAGE.JPG" ALT = "Image cannot be displayed">

Question 7

In the rules attribute, the ............... value helps to display a border only between rows.

  1. column
  2. rowspan
  3. colspan
  4. rows



Reason — In the rules attribute, the rows value helps to display a border only between rows.

Question 8

<TD> tag can only be present inside ............... tag.

  1. <TH>
  2. <TB>
  3. <TR>
  4. </TABLE>



Reason — <TD> tag can only be present inside <TR> tag.

Question 9

The value for alt attribute is a text string of upto ............... characters.

  1. 1032
  2. 156
  3. 256
  4. 1024



Reason — The value for alt attribute is a text string of upto 1024 characters.

Question 10

Which tag is used to add single line of space?

  1. <HR>
  2. <TD>
  3. <BR>
  4. <U>



Reason — The <BR> tag is used to add single line of space.

Question 11

Assertion (A) In telecommunications, 4G is the Fourth Generation of mobile phone communication standards.

Reason (R) A 4G system provides mobile ultra-broadband Internet access.

  1. Both A and R are true and R is a correct explanation of A.
  2. Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A.
  3. A is true and R is false.
  4. A is false and R is true.


Both A and R are true and R is a correct explanation of A.

Reason — A is true as in telecommunications, 4G is the Fourth Generation of mobile phone communication standards. R is true as a 4G system provides mobile ultra-broadband Internet access.

Question 12

Assertion (A) When <BR> tag is used before an image, the image moves to the next line.

Reason (R) <BR> tag is used to insert a line break which means the test/image following the tag will be moved to the next line when displayed in the browser.

  1. Both A and R are true and R is a correct explanation of A.
  2. Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A.
  3. A is true and R is false.
  4. A is false and R is true.


Both A and R are true and R is a correct explanation of A.

Reason — A is true as when <BR> tag is used before an image, the image moves to the next line. R is true and it correctly explains assertion A as <BR> tag is used to insert a line break which means the test/image following the tag will be moved to the next line when displayed in the browser.

Section B [2 Marks Each]

Question 13

Name the terms

(i) That is responsible for approving standards and allocating resources.

(ii) That is responsible for providing registration services to Internet community.


(i) Protocol

(ii) Internet Service Provider (ISP)

Question 14(i)

What is MODEM?


A modem is a device that modulates outgoing digital signals from a computer or other digital devices to analog signals. It also demodulates the incoming analog signals and converts them to digital signals for the digital device.

Question 14(ii)

What do you mean by mobile banking?


Mobile Banking refers to making financial transactions using a mobile device like a smartphone, tablet, etc. Mobile banking apps offer a convenient and secure way to manage one's finances, without the need to visit a bank branch or ATM.

Question 15

Name the attributes of <SELECT> tag which are used to create drop down menus.


The attributes of <SELECT> tag which are used to create drop down menus are:

  1. name — It shows the name of drop down list.
  2. size — It displays the height of the list i.e., the number of options a list contains.
  3. disabled — It specifies that the drop down list should be disabled.

Question 16(i)

What do you understand by Secure Electronic Transaction (SET)?


Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) is a protocol designed to enhance the security of electronic payments over the internet. It was developed by Visa and Mastercard and it ensures confidentiality, integrity, and authentication of online transactions.

SET employs digital certificates and encryption to safeguard sensitive information, providing a secure environment for e-commerce by protecting against fraud and unauthorized access to payment data.

Question 16(ii)

Give advantages of Secure Sockets Layer.


The advantages of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) are:

  1. SSL provides a secure and encrypted connection, protecting sensitive information from unauthorized access and ensuring the confidentiality of data.
  2. SSL provides the means for establishing the authenticity of the websites we are connecting to.

Question 17

What is SMTP protocol? Explain.


SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is the standard protocol for sending emails across the Internet. SMTP is an application layer protocol which is used by mail servers to send, receive, and relay emails between senders and receivers.

The SMTP standard defines the conversation between the sender of the e-mail and the SMTP mail server that delivers the mail. In a SMTP conversation, the sender issues a certain sequence of commands to the receiving SMTP server. Generally, if the sender issues valid commands and the intended recepients of the e-mail are valid accounts on the receiving server, the receiving server will accept the message and attempt to deliver it.

Question 18(i)

Differentiate between check box and radio button.


Radio ButtonCheckbox
Radio buttons are used when we want users to select only one option from a set of choices.Checkboxes are used when we want users to select multiple options from a list.
Radio buttons are typically represented as small circles or dots, and users can select only one of them at a time.Checkboxes are typically represented as small square boxes with a check mark inside them.
Selecting one option automatically deselects any previously selected option within the same group.Users can check or uncheck checkboxes independently.

Question 18(ii)

Give any two attributes of <TD> tag and write their uses.


Two attributes of <TD> tag are:

  1. align — This attribute is used to control the horizontal alignment of the contents of a cell. It can have values left, right and center.
  2. width — This attribute is used to define the width of a cell either in pixels or in percentage value of table width.

Question 19

What is data cell? Name the <TABLE> tag which is used to create data cell.


The data cell defines a cell of a table that contains data.

<TD> (Table Data) tag is the <TABLE> tag which is used to create data cell. It is placed inside the <TR> (Table Row) tag.

Section C [3 Marks Each]

Question 20

What do you mean by Freedom of Information?


Freedom of information refers to the right to access information available on public platforms. Freedom of Information was established for transparency, government accountability, education and general public protection against mismanagement and corruption.

Question 21

Observe the following list and write the code to generate it.

  1. Fruits
    1. Mango
    2. Orange
  2. Vegetables
    1. Cabbage
    2. Capsicum
      1. Green Capsicum
      2. Yellow Capsicum
      3. Red Capsicum


<OL TYPE = "1">
    <OL TYPE = "1">    
    <OL TYPE = "1">
        <OL TYPE = "1">
            <LI>Green Capsicum</LI>
            <LI>Yellow Capsicum</LI>
            <LI>Red Capsicum</LI>

Question 22(i)

Define cascading style sheet.


Cascading Style Sheet is a programming specification markup language used for web development. It is a collection of rules called styles that affect the visual appearance of contents of a web page. CSS can set colors, fonts, backgrounds, borders, margins and even the placement of elements on a web page.

Question 22(ii)

Answer the following:

(i) What is the use of dir attribute of <HTML> tag?

(ii) Write the equivalent inline CSS for the following HTML tag.

(a) <body bgcolor = "red">

(b) <img src = "garden.jpg" height = 15 width = 30>


(i) The dir attribute of HTML tag specifies the direction of an element's text. This attribute can have the values either ltr (left to right) or rtl (right to left). By default, the value of dir attribute is ltr.

(ii) The equivalent inline CSS for the following HTML tags is as follows:

(a) <body style = "background-color: red;">

(b) <img src = "garden.jpg" style = "height: 15px; width: 30px;">

Question 23

Arvind has to prepare a list of students belonging to different classes. He has to mention their roll numbers and footers at the bottom of the table. Observe the given table and write the code to display this table.

Arvind has to prepare a list of students belonging to different classes. He has to mention their roll numbers and footers at the bottom of the table. Observe the given table and write the code to display this table. Computer Applications Code 165 Sample Paper Solved CBSE Class 10.


<TABLE border = "1">
        <TH>Roll Number</TH>
        <TD align = "center">105</TD>
        <TD>12 A</TD>
        <TD align = "center">106</TD>
        <TD>12 B</TD>
        <TD align = "center">107</TD>
        <TD>12 C</TD>
        <TD>Footer 1</TD>
        <TD>Footer 2</TD>
        <TD>Footer 3</TD>

Section D [4 Marks Each]

Question 24(i)

Write the HTML code to design the web page as shown below, considering the specifications that follow. You can write the code for the given specifications.

Write the HTML code to design the web page as shown, considering the specifications that follow. You can write the code for the given specifications. Computer Applications Code 165 Sample Paper Solved CBSE Class 10.

(i) Title of the page is "People's Public School".

(ii) Link color is "Fuchsia".

(iii) Font face for the page is "Calibri".

(iv) The color of heading of the page is "Red".

(v) Image used as school.jpg.


        <TITLE> People's Public School </TITLE>
    <BODY LINK = "fushia">
        <FONT FACE = "CALIBRI"> 
        <FONT COLOR = "RED">
        <IMG SRC = "SCHOOL.JPG" ALT = "Image of school">
        Welcome to <I>People's Public School</I>. We are strongly committed
        to the success of our students. Commonly requested information has
        been digitized and made available on our site. We encourage your
        feedback as we strive to improve our school. 

Question 24(ii)

Write the HTML code to design the web page as shown below, considering the specifications that follow. You can write the code for given specifications.

Write the HTML code to design the web page as shown, considering the specifications that follow. You can write the code for the given specifications. Computer Applications Code 165 Sample Paper Solved CBSE Class 10.

(i) Title of the page is "Top 5 Films of 2010".

(ii) Font face for the page is "Calibri".

(iii) Link color is "Turquoise".

(iv) The color of heading of the page is "Green".

(v) Image used is bollywood.jpg.


        <TITLE> Top 5 Films of 2010 </TITLE>
        <FONT FACE = "CALIBRI">
        <FONT COLOR = "GREEN"> Top 5 Films of 2010 </FONT></H1>
        This website is a gateway to <U>film reviews.</U> Following is a list of the top 5 films running successfully in cinema halls in June 2010. 
        <OL TYPE = "1">
            <LI>Prince of Persia</LI>
            <LI>House Full</LI>
            <LI>Iron Man 2</LI>
        <U>Click here to see the list of upcoming movies</U>

Section E [4 Marks Each]

Question 25

Case Study 1

Mawana Sugar Private Limited has a head office in Mawana and a large number of branches nationwise. The head office used video conferencing to communicate with the branch managers. But branch manager is not familiar with the term video conferencing. Help him to know the answer of following questions.

(i) What do you mean by video conferencing?

(ii) Identify the requirement for video conferencing.

(iii) What is the most popular software for video conferencing?

(iv) What are the benefits of using video conferencing?


(i) A two-way videophone conversation among multiple participants by using computer networks to transmit audio and video data, is called Video Conferencing.

(ii) The requirements for video conferencing are:

  1. Multimedia PCs
  2. Video Cameras
  3. Microphones
  4. Internet connection
  5. Video conferencing software

(iii) Skype is the most popular software for video conferencing

(iv) The benefits of using video conferencing are:

  1. Cost and time savings — It reduces travel expenses and saves valuable time spent in reaching the venue of meeting.
  2. Enhanced communication and collaboration — It improves communication and collaboration resulting in faster decision-making.
  3. Increased efficiency and productivity — It enables sharing documents and presentations during meetings making it easier to provide updates, have real-time discussions and conduct training sessions.

Question 26

Case Study 2

Khushboo is watercolor painting artist. She regularly posts her work on her social media account. One day she noticed that some account has been posting the same artworks as she had shared. Her friends told her that it is called plagiarism. Khushboo then took some measures to complaint about the fake account and decided to be more careful about such things in future.

Answer the following questions.

(i) Define Plagiarism.

(ii) What are the intentions behind plagiarism?

(iii) What precautions can be taken to avoid plagiarism?

(iv) How can you give credit for someone else's work?


(i) Plagiarism is stealing someone else's intellectual work, such as an idea, literary work or academic work etc., and representing it as our own work without giving credit to creator or without citing the source of information.

(ii) The intentions behind plagiarism may be:

  1. Lack of creativity or skills to generate original content.
  2. Pressures such as tight deadlines or academic demands.
  3. The desire for praise, recognition, or success.
  4. Fear of failure, punishment, or negative consequences.

(iii) The precautions which can be taken to avoid plagiarism are:

  1. One must specify the source, which informs the reader about the basis of one's ideas and the extent of one's research.
  2. To avoid plagiarism, one should refer to several sources, understand the concept, and then pen down one's understanding of the topic.
  3. One should use quotation marks around all the quoted words to avoid plagiarism.

(iv) To avoid plagiarism while referring to someone else's creation, we must give credit whenever we use:

  1. Another person's idea, opinion, or theory
  2. Quotations of another person's actual spoken or written words
  3. Paraphrase of another person's spoken or written words