Solved Sample Paper 2


Solved Sample Paper 2

Section A [1 Mark Each]

Question 1

Which of the following terms describes the uneven distribution of ICT?

  1. Cyber Ethics
  2. Digital divide
  3. Plagiarism
  4. Piracy


Digital divide

Reason — A digital divide is an economic and social inequality with regard to access to, use of, or impact of information and communication technologies.

Question 2

Copying a file from a host system to your computer is known as what?

  1. Uploading
  2. Downloading
  3. Sharing
  4. Presentation



Reason — Copying a file from a host system to your computer is known as downloading.

Question 3

What is the full form of SSH protocol?

  1. Secure Shell
  2. Security Server
  3. Secure Transaction
  4. Secure Layer


Secure Shell

Reason — The full form of SSH protocol is Secure Shell.

Question 4

What is mobile technology?

  1. A form of technology which includes GPRS, Multimedia Messaging, bluetooth, 3G etc.
  2. Downloading/uploading data on Internet
  3. A security protocol
  4. Only mobile data services


A form of technology which includes GPRS, Multimedia Messaging, bluetooth, 3G etc.

Reason — Mobile technology is a form of technology which includes GPRS, Multimedia Messaging, bluetooth, 3G, 4G etc.

Question 5

Which of the following is/are popular chat application(s)?

  1. WhatsApp
  2. WeChat
  3. Tango
  4. All of these


All of these

Reason — Whatsapp, WeChat and Tango are popular chat application(s).

Question 6

What does the <B> tag do in HTML?

  1. Creates a bold text
  2. Creates a bullet point
  3. Creates an italicized text
  4. Creates an underlined text


Creates a bold text

Reason — The <B> tag creates a bold text in HTML.

Question 7

How to create a checkbox in HTML?

  1. <input type = "checkbox">
  2. <input type = "button">
  3. <checkbox>
  4. <input type = "check">


<input type = "checkbox">

Reason — To create a checkbox in HTML, we use the <input> tag along with its 'type' attribute as follows:

<input type = "checkbox">

Question 8

There are total ............... values for rules attribute in <TABLE> tag.

  1. four
  2. three
  3. two
  4. five



Reason — There are total five values for rules attribute in <TABLE> tag.

Question 9

Which attribute of <TD> tag is used to merge two or more columns to form a single column?

  1. colspan
  2. rowspan
  3. colarrange
  4. row arrange



Reason — The colspan attribute of <TD> tag is used to merge two or more columns to form a single column.

Question 10

A CSS declaration always ends with a ................... .

  1. dot(.)
  2. colon(:)
  3. semicolon(;)
  4. hash(#)



Reason — A CSS declaration always ends with a semicolon(;).

Question 11

Assertion (A) E-learning is the mode of acquiring knowledge by means of Internet and computer based training programs.

Reason (R) E-learing can be done anywhere and at anytime.

  1. Both A and R are true and R is a correct explanation of A.
  2. Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A.
  3. A is true and R is false.
  4. A is false and R is true.


Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A.

Reason — A is true as E-learning is the mode of acquiring knowledge by means of Internet and computer based training programs.

R is also true as E-leaming can be done anywhere and at anytime but R does not explain Assertion A.

Question 12

Assertion (A) mailto is an easy and fast way by which a visitor at a website can directly send mail to website owner.

Reason (R) mailto is used in href but it is unable to create a link to open default E-mail client.

  1. Both A and R are true and R is a correct explanation of A.
  2. Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A.
  3. A is true and R is false.
  4. A is false and R is true.


A is true and R is false

Reason — A is true as mailto is an easy and fast way by which a visitor at a website can directly send mail to website owner.

R is false as even though mailto is used in href, it opens the default e-mail client of the user's computer.

Section B [2 Marks Each]

Question 13

Karan uses a search engine to get detail regarding India's struggle for freedom.

(i) Define the word "search engine".

(ii) Name any five common search engines.


(i) Search engine is a tool that searches the Internet to find information on the basis of the keywords provided by the user.

(ii) Five common search engines are:

  1. Google
  2. Yahoo
  3. Bing
  4. DuckDuckGo
  5. Baidu

Question 14(i)

What are E-groups? Describe.


An e-group is a virtual meeting place for individuals who share the common interests. It provides a platform for people to share information on topics of their interests, messages, and photo albums.

It contains a discussion or message board where members can discuss topics of their choice. In an e-group, members can access and participate in discussions at any time and remain connected to the conversation thread.

Question 14(ii)

Describe what is social networking?


Social networking refers to the practice of individuals or groups connecting and interacting with each other through online platforms called social networking sites, creating virtual communities based on shared interests, activities, or personal relationships.

Question 15

Why rowspan and colspan attributes are used?


ROWSPAN is used to combine the cells vertically. It merges the number of cells vertically and displays them as a single cell.

E.g. <TD Rowspan= "3"> where 3 is the number of rows that the cells span across.

COLSPAN is used to combine the cells horizontally. It specifies the number of columns that the cells span across and shows them as a single cell.

E.g. <TD Colspan= "4"> where 4 is the number of columns that the cells span across.

Question 16(i)

Using copyright, software piracy can be stopped. How?


Software piracy refers to the process of making copies of software without buying the appropriate license or copyright.

Using copyright, software piracy can be stopped as copyright prohibits the user of a software program from making copies of it without the permission of the person/company concerned which issues the license for the program. Companies can pursue legal action against individuals or entities engaging in software piracy, imposing penalties and damages.

Thus, using copyright, software piracy can be stopped.

Question 16(ii)

What do you mean by privacy in E-Commerce?


During e-commerce transactions, we share a lot of personal and financial information with the e-commerce sites. Privacy in E-Commerce means that the e-commerce sites should clearly state their privacy policy declaring how it uses and shares the gathered customer data or whether the customer can choose to keep this information private.

Question 17

What are empty elements in HTML? Give examples.


Empty elements require only an opening tag and not a closing tag in an HTML document. For example, <br>, <hr>, etc.

Question 18(i)

Write HTML code to set the border around an image using border attribute.


The HTML code to set the border around an image using border attribute is as follows:

<IMG src = "kite.jpg" height = "300" width = "300" border = "5">

Question 18(ii)

What are container elements in HTML?


Container elements require both, an opening and a closing tag. They affect the text appearing between their opening and closing tags.

For example, <B> tag, <I> tag etc.

Question 19

What is web server?


A web server is a World Wide Web server that stores web documents and responds to the requests made by web browsers. It is a specific protocol type of server, looking only for HTTP requests instead of many different types of resource requests.

Section C [3 Marks Each]

Question 20

Digital divide is a huge problem to deal with. Write any three effects of digital divide.


Three effects of digital divide are:

  1. Educational Inequality — Not having access to the internet and computers makes it harder for some students to learn and develop important digital skills needed in today's technology-driven world.
  2. Economic Disparities — People who can't get online easily miss out on online job opportunities, training, and remote work which can keep them in poverty and make it tough for them to move up in society.
  3. Social and Civic Participation Gap — Limited access to online information and communication platforms deepens social exclusion, hindering civic engagement and participation in important societal discussions for those without digital tools.

Question 21

Give the HTML code to display following output:

Give the HTML code to display output. Computer Applications Code 165 Sample Paper Solved CBSE Class 10.


        <TITLE>Gurudev Library</TITLE>
        <B>Gurudev Library</B>
        <UL type = "disc"> 
            <OL type = "i">
            <LI> CBSE Board</LI>
            <LI> UP Board</LI>
            <UL type = "square">
                <OL type = "a">
                    <LI>SSC CGL</LI>
                    <LI> Banking</LI>
                    <OL type ="1">
                        <LI> Clerk</LI>
                        <LI> PO</LI>

Question 22(i)

Write an HTML code to

(i) Create a link for garden.jpg located at D:\.

(ii) Display an inline image named pencil.jpg located at C: in the center of your web page.



    <A href = "D:\garden.jpg">image</A>


            <IMG src = "C:\pencil.jpg">

Question 22(ii)

Write the HTML code to add Audio and Video elements in a web page.


We can add audio and video elements using the <AUDIO> and <VIDEO> tags, respectively, in the following way :

        <TITLE>Audio and Video Elements</TITLE>
            <SOURCE SRC = "ringtone.wav">
                Your browser doesn't support AUDIO element.
            <SRC = "WORDS.MP4" TYPE = "VIDEO/MP4"> 
                Your browser does not support the video tag.

Question 23

An artist has to prepare a table to showcase the type of paintings he has created, their quantity and their price. Help him to make the table. Observe the table and write the code to generate it.

An artist has to prepare a table to showcase the type of paintings he has created, their quantity and their price. Help him to make the table. Observe the table and write the code to generate it. Computer Applications Code 165 Sample Paper Solved CBSE Class 10.


        <TABLE border = "3" align = "center" cellspacing = "3">
        <CAPTION> Available Paintings </CAPTION>
            <TD rowspan = "5"> I <BR> N <BR> D <BR> I <BR> A <BR> N </TD>
            <TD colspan ="3"> PAINTING </TD>
            <TH align = "center"> NAME </TH>
            <TH> QTY </TH>
            <TH> PRICE </TH>
            <TD> Oil Painting </TD>
            <TD align = "center"> 4 </TD>
            <TD> 3000 </TD>
        <TD> Glass Painting </TD>
        <TD align = "center"> 2 </TD>
        <TD> 5000 </TD>
        <TD> Canvas </TD>
        <TD align = "center"> 2 </TD>
        <TD> 1000 </TD>

Section D [4 Marks Each]

Question 24(i)

Write the HTML code to design the web page as shown below, considering the specifications that follow. You can write the code for given specifications.

Write the HTML code to design the web page as shown, considering the specifications that follow. You can write the code for given specifications. Computer Applications Code 165 Sample Paper Solved CBSE Class 10.

(i) Background color of page is yellow.

(ii) Font style for the page is arial.

(iii) Image used is gov.jpeg.

(iv) Text color of the paragraph is red.

(v) E-mail id for bottom message is


            National e-Governance Plan
    <BODY bgcolor = "yellow">
        <BASEFONT face = "arial">
        <H1> National e-Governance Plan </H1>
        <FONT color = "red">
        <IMG src = "gov.jpeg" alt = "gov" align = "right">
        The National E-Governance Plan of Indian Government seeks to lay the foundation
        and provide the impetus for long-term growth of E-Governance within the country.
        The plan seeks to create the right governance and institutional mechanisms,
        set up the core infrastructure and policies and implementation of 
        a number of Mission Moda Projects at the center, state and integrated service levels 
        to create a citizen-centric and business-centric 
        environment for governance.
        <B> Visit 
        <A href = "nation.html"> National e-Governance Plan </A> to know more about: <BR><BR>
        <OL type = "1">
            <LI>Central MMP's</LI>
        <CENTER>For enquires
        <A href = ""> Mail to us </A>

Question 24(ii)

Write the HTML code to design the web page as shown below, considering the specifications that follow. You can write the code for given specifications.

Write the HTML code to design the web page as shown, considering the specifications that follow. You can write the code for given specifications. Computer Applications Code 165 Sample Paper Solved CBSE Class 10.

(i) Link color is black, background color is yellow and visited link color is green.

(ii) Image used is "Computer.jpg".

(iii) Caption of table is blue.

(iv) Table border is blue and of size 2. Showcasing the advantages of computers.

(v) The 4 links are monitor.html, system.html, mouse.html and keyboard.html.


    <BODY bgcolor = "yellow" link = "black" vlink = "green">
        <H1 align = "center"><U> COMPUTER </U></H1>
        <P align = "left">
        A computer is a machine that can be programmed to carry out sequences of arithmetic or logical operations automatically.
        Modern computers can perform generic sets of operations known as programs. 
        These programs enable computers to perform a wide range of tasks.
        <IMG src = "Computer.jpg" align = "right" height = "3OO" width = "3OO">
        Parts of a Computer:
        <UL type = "disc">
            <LI><A href = "monitor.html"> Monitor </A></LI>
            <LI><A href = "system.html"> System Cabinet</A></LI>
            <LI><A href = "mouse.html"> Mouse </A></LI>
            <LI><A href = "keyboard.html"> Keyboard</A></LI>
        <TABLE bordercolor = "blue" align = "center" border = "2">
        <B> Advantages of Computers </B>
            <TD> High speed </TD>
            <TD> Habitat Loss </TD>
            <TD> Accuracy </TD>
            <TD> Data security </TD>
        For further details
        <A href = ""> Contact Us</A>

Section E [4 Marks Each]

Question 25

Case Study 1

When Neeru visited her facebook account, she saw an update about a job opportunity. She sent her resume on the given E-mail address. When she went back home, she saw her mother talking to Vishwas on laptop, who lives in US. They were discussing about blog written by him. She received a prepaid package from, for which she has placed an order. Neeru likes to login in Yahoo! messenger to talk to her friends and is a member of various groups over Internet.

Answer the following questions.

(i) Give the meaning of E-mail address.

(ii) Name the service with the help of which Neeru's mother talked with Viswas.

(iii) Here is a term What is this?

(iv) Neeru is using Yahoo! Messenger to talk with her friends. Give any one advantage of using it.


(i) An e-mail address is the address of a mail box of an e-mail account holder. An e-mail address is written as username@hostname, where:
username — is a unique name of the user
@ — symbol of at the rate
host name — is the server/host/network that services the e-mail.

(ii) Neeru's mother talked with Viswas using video conferencing service provided by applications like Zoom or Skype.

(iii) is a leading fashion e-commerce platform that sells fashion and lifestyle products.

(iv) Yahoo! Messenger includes live video chat and conferencing. It places no limit on the time we can spend using the video conferencing feature.

Question 26

Case Study 2

Yamini recently tried logging into her social media account. She was able to login and post updates on her account but a few days later when she tried to do the same, she couldn't login and when she saw her account through someone else's profile, she noticed that there were many spam posts and stories on her account which were not posted by her. She reported her complaint to the social media company, her account got deleted and she had to make a new one.

Answer the following questions.

(i) What is the term for stealing of required information by seeking a weakness in a computer?

(ii) What had happened to Yamini's account?

(iii) What does a hacker do?

(iv) Mention any two methods to prevent hacking.


(i) Hacking is the term for stealing of required information by seeking a weakness in a computer.

(ii) Yamini's account experienced unauthorized access and was likely hacked. The hacker posted spam content and stories on her account without her consent.

(iii) The people who are involved in the cyber crime are called Hackers. They try to gain unauthorized access to computer systems or networks with the intent to exploit, manipulate, or steal information. In this scenario, the hacker gained access to Yamini's social media account and posted spam content.

(iv) Two methods to prevent hacking are:

  1. We should create complex and unique passwords for the accounts, incorporating a mix of letters, numbers and special characters.
  2. We should enable Two Factor Authentication. This adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second verification step, such as a code sent to the mobile device, in addition to the password.