Solved Sample Paper 1


Solved Sample Paper 1

Section A [1 Mark Each]

Question 1

A unique symbol or word used to represent a business or its products is known as ................ .

  1. patent
  2. trademark
  3. copyright
  4. None of these



Reason — A unique symbol or word used to represent a business or its products is known as trademark.

Question 2

What is the term for an individual run website that is used to share opinion links to other sites?

  1. Newsgroup
  2. Blog
  3. Vlog
  4. Profile



Reason — Blog is the term for an individual run website that is used to share opinion links to other sites.

Question 3

Which protocol helps in transferring documents through Internet?

  1. POP3
  2. HTMP
  3. HTML
  4. HTTP



Reason — HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) helps in transferring documents through Internet.

Question 4

Which service allows users to send multimedia messages to each other?

  1. SMS
  2. MMS
  3. SCP
  4. SSP



Reason — MMS (Multimedia Message Service) allows users to send multimedia messages to each other.

Question 5

Which tag is used to create a heading in HTML?

  1. <h1>
  2. <hr>
  3. <p>
  4. <b>



Reason — <h1>, one of the heading tags is used to create a heading in HTML.

Question 6

Which mobile technology system provides mobile ultra-broadband Internet access?

  1. 3G
  2. 4G
  3. SMS
  4. MMS



Reason — 4G mobile technology system provides mobile ultra-broadband Internet access.

Question 7

............... attribute of <AUDIO> tag specifies the audio file standard type.

  1. category
  2. source
  3. align
  4. type



Reason — The type attribute of <AUDIO> tag specifies the audio file standard type.

Question 8

............... are used to connect web pages. They are created with <A> tag.

  1. hyperlink
  2. alink
  3. vlink
  4. dlink



Reason — Hyperlinks are used to connect web pages. They are created with <A> tag.

Question 9

............... and ............... tags break the line flow.

  1. <TR> and <TD>
  2. <BR> and <HR>
  3. <TH> and <TF>
  4. <TL> and <TP>


<BR> and <HR>

Reason — <BR> and <HR> tags break the line flow.

Question 10

Which attribute of <AUDIO> element is used to give the URL of the audio to embed?

  1. controls
  2. type
  3. src
  4. loop



Reason — The src attribute of <AUDIO> element is used to give the URL of the audio to embed.

Question 11

Assertion (A) Social Networking is the grouping of individuals into specific groups, like small rural communities or a neighbourhood sub-division.

Reason (R) Social networking is an offline service.

  1. Both A and R are true and R is a correct explanation of A.
  2. Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A.
  3. A is true and R is false.
  4. A is false and R is true.


A is true and R is false.

Reason — A is true and R is false. Although we can consider Assertion A as true, nowadays social networking refers to online platforms and services that enable people to connect and interact with others over the internet. It is not limited to specific physical groups or communities.

Reason R is false as social networking is an online service.

Question 12

Assertion (A) If any one wants to display content in an HTML page without any bullets or number then he/she can choose <DL> tag.

Reason (R) <DL> is a definition list that shows elements without any bullets or numbers in front of them.

  1. Both A and R are true and R is a correct explanation of A.
  2. Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A.
  3. A is true and R is false.
  4. A is false and R is true.


Both A and R are true and R is a correct explanation of A.

Reason — Definition List tag displays content without any bullets and numbers. Thus, if any one wants to display content in an HTML page without any bullets or number then he/she can choose <DL> tag.

Section B [2 Marks Each]

Question 13

Explain the two elements with which search engine works.


Search engine works with the following two elements:

  1. Web Crawler — It is a software that browses the Internet in a systematic manner to retrieve documents and their web addresses. It is also called Spider, Bot or Robot.
  2. Indexing Software — It is a software that extracts information from the list of documents and web addresses received from the web crawler, prepares an index of it and stores in a database.

Question 14(i)

What do you understand by the term URL? How is it different from an email address?


A location on a net server is called a URL or Uniform Resource Locator.

The difference between a URL and an email address is as follows:

URLEmail Address
URL is the address of a webpage on the world wide web.An email address is the address of a mail box of an e-mail account holder.
A web address is written as type://address/path, where :

type — specifies the the type of server or protocol,
address — is the address of the server
path — tells the location of file on the server.
An e-mail address is written as username@hostname, where:

username — is the net name of the user
@ — symbol of at the rate
host name — is the server/host/network that services the e-mail.
A URL never has an '@' sign in it.An email address always contains an '@' sign.

Question 14(ii)

What do you understand by a news group? How is it different from a blog?


A Newsgroup is an online discussion forum where remotely connected users share and discuss a particular topic. The users/subscribers can exchange text messages, images, videos, and other digital media.

In a newsgroup, anyone can share opinions as per their interest.Blogs contain the opinion of the author.
In a newsgroup, anyone can post and comment also.In blogs, people can just comment on posts. They cannot post anything.

Question 15

What are acronyms? Also, write some most widely used acronyms.


Acronyms are abbreviations formed by taking the initial letters of a phrase or a set of words and creating a new word from them. In an acronym, these initial letters are usually pronounced together as a single word.

Some of the most widely used acronyms are as follows:

  1. AAMOF — as a matter of fact
  2. BBL — be back later
  3. BRB — be right back
  4. BTW — by the way

Question 16(i)

Explain the open source software movement.


The Open Source Software Movement promotes the free access and distribution of a software or a program. Such software, generally, gives users the freedom to run the software for any purpose, to use and modify the software, and to redistribute copies of the original and modified versions to others. The open source movement contributes to the open source community by writing and exchanging programming code for software development.

Question 16(ii)

Write some reasons behind plagiarism.


Some reasons behind plagiarism are as follows:

  1. Lack of understanding about plagiarism.
  2. Poor time management and tight deadlines.
  3. Pressure to succeed.
  4. Fear of failure.
  5. Lack of emphasis on academic integrity and ethical writing.
  6. Ignorance of proper citation practices.

Question 17

CSS is widely used by web developers. Write any four property values of CSS.


Four property values of CSS are as follows:

  1. color — It sets the color of a text.
    For example, P {Color : red; }
  2. background-color — It sets the background color for HTML document.
    For example, Body {background-color : blue; }
  3. border-style — This property sets the style of an element border. This property can have from one to four values.
    For example, P {border-style : solid; }
  4. margin — CSS has properties for specifying the margin for each side of an element; margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, margin-left.
    For example, P {margin-top : 40px; }

Question 18(i)

Explain the following with the help of an example.
(a) <B> </B>
(b) <OL type ="1">


(a) <B> </B>

The bold tag makes the text bold.

For example, <B> This text is written in bold. </B>

(b) <OL type = "1">

The ordered list <OL> is used to display the list of items as a Numbered list. The attribute type = "1" sets the type of numbering as arabic numerals.

For example,

<LI> Apple </LI>
<LI> Mango </LI>
<LI> Banana </LI>

The ordered list is displayed as follows:

  1. Apple
  2. Mango
  3. Banana

Question 18(ii)

Write the use of <BASEFONT> tag. Mention its two attributes.


The <BASEFONT> tag is used to set the Font Face, Size, Colour and other attributes for the whole HTML document. The browser uses the values specified in the <BASEFONT> to render normal document text for which no other font setting has been provided.

Two attributes of <BASEFONT> tag are:

  1. Size
  2. Color

Question 19

Explain the <OPTION> tag in HTML forms. Mention its three attributes.


The <OPTION> tag is used to define an option in a select list. The <OPTION> tag is written inside the <SELECT> tag.

Three attributes of <OPTION> tag are:

  1. value
  2. selected
  3. label

Section C [3 Marks Each]

Question 20

What is Proprietary software? Mention three features of proprietary software.


Proprietary software is a copyrighted software. This software may not be freely used, modified, distributed, and is restricted by conditions predefined by its publisher, vendor, or developer.

Three features of Proprietary Software are:

  1. It is primarily a commercial software.
  2. It does not provide its source code.
  3. It can be purchased or licenced for a fee.

Question 21

Write the HTML code to generate the following web page.

Write the HTML code to generate the web page. Computer Applications Code 165 Sample Paper Solved CBSE Class 10.


<TITLE> Books </TITLE>
I read a lot of books about many different subjects, here is a list of books that I have read recently.
<UL TYPE = "square">
<LI> Java Concept </LI>
<LI> Python Programming </LI>
<LI> C++ Basics </LI>

Question 22(i)

What are HTML forms? Mention its three attributes.


HTML forms are means to collect information/data from the site visitor. Forms collect information through its elements like text fields, textarea fields, drop-down menus, radio buttons, checkboxes etc.

Three attributes of HTML forms are:

  1. name — It specifies the name of the form.
  2. action — It provides the URL of the program that receives the information from the form and processes it.
  3. method — A method attribute, specifies the type of protocol used to submit the data.

Question 22(ii)

Define the following CSS attributes:

(i) outline

(ii) padding

(iii) float


(i) outline — An outline attribute defines an outline which is drawn around elements, outside the borders, to make the elements stand out. It is defined in the following way:

outline : [outline-color] [outline-style] [outline-width]

For example,

    outline-style : solid;
    outline-color : red;
    outline-width : thin;

(ii) padding — Padding attribute defines the inner distance between the border and the content of the element. It is defined in the following way:

    padding : 20px 20px 20px 20px ;

(iii) float — The float attribute defines the behaviour of floatable elements on an HTML page. The float attribute can have the following values — none, left or right. It is defined in the following way:

    float : left;

Question 23

Yamini is the class coordinator of a school. She has to prepare a table of the names of students, class and the subjects they are good at. Help Yamini to generate the code for displaying this table.



HTML code to generate the table is given below:

<TABLE border = "Z">
<TR align = "center">
<TH> Roll_No </TH>
<TH> Name </TH>
<TH> Class </TH>
<TH>Subject </TH>
<TR align = "center">
<TD> 1 </TD>
<TD> Neha </TD>
<TD> Vth </TD>
<TD> Maths </TD>
<TR align= "center">
<TD> 2 </TD>
<TD> Amit </TD>
<TD> 10th </TD>
<TD> English </TD>
<TR align= "center" valign = "middle">
<TD> 3 </TD>
<TD> Sneha </TD>
<TD> IIIrd </TD>
<TD> G.K.</TD>

Section D [4 Marks Each]

Question 24

Write the HTML code to generate the web page as shown below, considering the specifications that follow. You can write the code for given specifications.

Write the HTML code to generate the web page considering the specifications that follow. You can write the code for given specifications. Computer Applications Code 165 Sample Paper Solved CBSE Class 10.

(i) Active link color is Green and Visiting link color is Red.

(ii) Image is from the file "computer.jpg".

(iii) Use horizontal rule wherever required.

(iv) Use ordered and unordered lists wherever required.

(v) The pages are linked as follows:

Super ComputersSuper.html
Mainframe ComputersMain.html
Mini ComputersMini.html
Micro ComputersMicro.html

Note: You can use any other attributes that are not mentioned above to produce a similar output.


The HTML code is as follows:

    <TITLE>The Computer World </TITLE> 
<BODY bgcolor = "yellow" alink = "green" vlink = "red">
    <FONT face = "arial" color = "black">
    <CENTER>The Computer World </CENTER>
    <BASEFONT face = "verdana">
    <P align = "center"> <B> Types of Computer </B></P>
    <IMG src = "computer.jpg">
    <OL type = "1">
    <LI><A href = "Super.html"> Super Computers </A></LI>
    <LI><A href = "Main.html"> Mainframe Computers </A></LI>
    <LI><A href = "Mini.html"> Mini Computers</A></LI>
    <LI><A href = "Micro.html"> Micro Computers</A></LI>
    <LI><A href = "Desk.html">Desktops </A></LI>
    <LI><A href = "Laptop.html">Laptops </A></LI>
    <LI><A href = "PDA.html">PDAs </A></LI>
    <FONT size = "4">
    For further information visit
    <A href = ""></A>

Question 24(ii)

Write the HTML code to generate the web page as shown below, considering the specifications that follow. You can write the code for given specifications.

Write the HTML code to generate the web page considering the specifications that follow. You can write the code for given specifications. Computer Applications Code 165 Sample Paper Solved CBSE Class 10.

(i) Title of the page is "Indian Food".

(ii) Font face of heading is "arial".

(iii) Image used as food1.jpg.

(iv) Table border is 4px and border color is maroon.

(v) Use link as
     For Available Food as F1.html
     For Dishes Price as F2.html
     For Get Recipes as F3.html


The HTML code is as follows:

    <TITLE> Indian Food </TITLE>
    <BODY link = "blue" vlink = "brown" alink = "pink" bgcolor = "orange">
        <FONT face = "arial" color = "green">
        <H1 align = "center">
        <U> Indian Food </U>
        The traditional food of India has been widely appreciated for its fabulous use of herbs and spices. Indian cuisine is known for its large assortment of dishes. The cooking style varies from region to region and is largely divided into South Indian & North Indian cuisine. India is quite famous for its diverse multi cuisine available in a large number of restaurants and hotel resorts, which is reminiscent of unity in diversity. 
        <P align = "right">
        <A href = "Fl.html"> Available Food </A>
        <A href = "F2.html"> Dishes Price </A>
        <A href = "F3.html"> Get Recepies </A>
        <IMG src = "food1.jpg" align = "right" width = "180" height = "l50">
        <TABLE border = "4" bordercolor = "maroon" cellpadding = "6" cellspacing = "4" align = "center">
            <CAPTION> Select Dishes </CAPTION>
                <TH> STATE </TH>
                <TD> Gujarat </TD>
                <TD> Punjab </TD>
                <TD> Tamil Nadu </TD>
                <TH> DISHES </TH>
                <TD> Khandvi <BR> Dhokla <BR> Dal Vada </TD>  
                <TD> Falooda <BR> Nan <BR> Lassi </TD>
                <TD> Masala Dosa <BR> Sambhar Idli <BR> Upma </TD>
        <A href = ""> To get order click here </A>

Section E [3 Marks Each]

Question 25

Case Study 1

Mary has a prepaid Internet plan. She has a data limit of 14 GB. The average size of an E-mail with an attachment that Mary downloads is 1.4 MB.

Answer the questions given below.

(i) Approximately, how many E-mails can Mary download without exceeding her data limit?

(ii) What is E-mail?

(iii) Mary's friend is not able to understand the term attachment in E-mail. Help her to know this.

(iv) Name any two website who provide E-mail services.


(i) Data limit of Mary is 14 GB and 1 GB = 1024 MB.
Thus, 14 GB = 1024 x 14 = 14,336 MB
The average size of an email with attachment is 1.4 MB.
To find out the number of emails Mary can download without exceeding her data limit, we need to divide her data limit by the average size of an email with an attachment:

Number of Emails = Data Limit / Average Size of Email
Number of Emails = 14,336 / 1.4
Number of Emails = 10,240

Therefore, Mary can download approximately 10,240 emails without exceeding her data limit.

(ii) E-mail is the most widely used tool to send and receive electronic messages between users over a network such as the Internet.

(iii) Attachments refer to files or documents that are included with an email message. These files can be of various types, such as documents, images, spreadsheets, or any other file format that can be attached to an email.

(iv) Two popular websites that provide email services are:

  1. Gmail
  2. Yahoo

Question 26

Case Study 2

While discussing about security in Internet, Shreya's uncle told her that there are different protocols used for different purposes on Internet. These protocols are necessary because millions of people exchange a large amount of information on net. If there will be no security protocols then, the worldwide data would not be secure and the net users will lose their faith, security of data is essential in case of online transactions, social media platforms etc. Shreya's uncle told her about one such security protocol which is the SSL protocol.

Answer the questions given below.

(i) What is SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)?

(ii) How is data flow secured in SSL?

(iii) Write two advantages of SSL.

(iv) Name the protocol used for secure login into a remote computer system.


(i) SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a standard security protocol which ensures data security by establishing encrypted online links between a web server and a browser. It encrypts the transmitted data and keeps it secure.

(ii) SSL uses encryption algorithms to scramble data during transit. It provides a way for the user's browser to verify the identity of the server and ensures that the data transferred between the user and the server remains intact and has not been tampered with during transit. Data is decrypted before it can be used by the receiving system.

(iii) Two advantages of SSL are:

  1. SSL provides a secure and encrypted connection, protecting sensitive information from unauthorized access and ensuring the confidentiality of data.
  2. SSL provides the means for establishing the authenticity of the websites we are connecting to.

(iv) SSH (Secure SHell).